Image 1:
A lovely young baker approached me to create a logo for her new company. Toni was looking for something quite simple and classic, with a colour scheme of possibly pinks, greys and blacks and wanted the font to be quite soft and floaty. She also loves butterflies!
Image 2 & 3:
Bev & Nick run a beautiful small holding from which they sell a wonderful range of jams, chutneys, pickles, marmalade and honey from Nick's bees! They commissioned me to illustrate and have printed a rubber stamp that they could use to brand their produce bags
Image 4 & 5:
Ian, a helicopter pilot who was teaching a AW139 helicopter Search And Rescue course, approached me to design a badge that he could present to his students once they passed the course. Ian knew exactly what he wanted the badge to look like, and the font and colour of the logo needed to be exact - my only request was that he send a picture of the badge in situ!
Image 6:
Nick needed a logo for a small company he was setting up with his wife called "Symaview". The name was a play on their house name and the kingfisher 'syma torotoro'